Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Twin Souls: Being Split From the Same Seed

Twin-Flames (Twin-Souls) also called, "split-aparts" by Minnie Driver's character in Good Will Hunting, were created by God.  In the Beginning, God separated into Souls, each Soul was a part of the Oneness of God.  Then those Souls were split apart.  Each part re-incarted in separate bodies, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  The "split-aparts" traveled through Time learning and growing and evolving and each time they met the Twin-Souls recognized each other by vibration. 

In our experience, both my Twin & I knew each other the moment we met..... not consciously at first. We felt our hearts expand and we were drawn to each other with a feeling in our hearts we had not known in this lifetime. Our hearts expanded with each encounter.  It felt as if we had known each other forever, and yet we had so much we wanted to share from this life before we met.  

Even though he is 13 years younger, we had so many similar experiences during our individual lives.  He played clarinet & I played saxophone in school. His father was in law enforcement and mine was in the Army and then National Guard.  His parents had a vacation home on a lake which was named the same as my family name.  His family's cottage was near a town, whose root word was the same as my married surname.  He rowed his uncle's boat across the lake to pick water lilies; I rowed my uncle's boat across our vacation home's lake to pick water lilies, too, but 13 years earlier. The lakes were 2300 miles apart.  He is the oldest in his family; I am the oldest in mine.  He was an Honor Student and so was I.  I love to read; so does he.  I have written 10 books; he has 6 outlined.

 In my experience with Twin-Flames over the past 20 years, I have found that they normally have many experiences which are similar.  According to Patricia Joudry in SOULMATES, that is so that when the "Twins' meet they will better understand one another. Sometimes they even physically look similar.  They always energetically look the same to me.  

Within 6 weeks of our meeting, I was recording poems into my journals that were coming "through me" around 4:30 am almost every morning after we had spent time together during the evening.  We had unbounded energy when we were together.  We listened to musical tapes (mostly guitar) until 2 am and talked and shared and laughed.  We both worked full-time and were never tired. In fact he  even worked 3 jobs and never seemed to be tired.  When we are apart we get tired, but the moment we are together we are energized. It has been this way for us for more than 23 years.

By Sharon Kay

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