Saturday, August 16, 2014


One day I was feeling especially low and missing my Beloved as I hadn't heard from him in a while.  Even though I know that we are never apart and never have been since the beginning of time,  I was experiencing the "illusion of separation".  Heavy-hearted, I walked from the RV Park restroom across the asphalt parking lot toward our RV. I asked the Angels to help me find peace. 

Suddenly I glanced down and spotted this heart-shaped oil spot.  

In that instant, I knew the Angels had answered my request. They were telling me to return to Love ... to get back into my heart and I would find the peace I sought. They were telling me that LOVE is the answer and that only LOVE is REAL, for all else is illusion.  I smiled and thanked them and God for answering my "prayer" in such a magical way.  It is true that "ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE".  The  trick for us hum as, however, is being OPEN to receiving. This heart-shaped oil spot ( have you EVER seen a heart-shaped oil spot?) raised my vibration so that I could re-connected with Source and find the path to peace..

The Angels and God have always answered, through signs like this or song lyrics or numbers or a message in a book or on a poster or someone's random comment. In my experience, the more I notice the SIGNs and acknowledge that I "got" Their message and thank Them, the more God's Angels seek to communicate with and help me.

By Sharon Kay