Saturday, May 31, 2014


One of the things that I have felt and expressed for over the 23 years since my Twin-Flame and I first met is this:  "I WON'T GIVE UP".   This song/video "I Won't Give up" on YouTube by Jason Mraz with Darryl Hall perfectly describes my feelings for my Twin-Flame.  If you have met your Twin-Flame already, you might want to get out the tissues before you watch it.

Our life path has not been an easy one since we first met in February of 1991.  I would best describe our lives over the past 23 years as "The Agony & The Ecstasy".  No matter what we have faced (from life-threatening illness to family obligations to months and sometime years of physical separation to financial disaster), we have never been apart in Spirit. We learned that over time. We have loved and supported one another through more traumatic life events than most people could bear.  Yet, our unconditional love for one another sustained us.... and Love continues to open our hearts so that we can heal each other.

Some may feel that when they meet their twin-flame/twin-soul that life will be" a bed of roses".  Just remember that roses have thorns. It is a "dance" NOT for the faint-of-heart. Hopefully,  the journey that we and other Twin-Flames before us have walked will make it a bit easier and less traumatic for those Twin-Flames who are meeting at this time.

May you be Blessed!

 By Sharon Kay
ANGEL FINGERPRINTS: The Book of Joyous Thoughts

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, it truly is not for the faint of heart. ;The song is beautiful and captures the essence of what a Twin-Flame feels and will go through for their beloved. Only those of us who are going through it could possibly know what it is really like. Agony and ecstasy for sure!
